2011年11月26日 星期六

How To Build A Successful Social Business – Groupon Case Study

How To Build A Successful Social Business – Groupon Case Study



I have no shame in proclaiming my absolute adoration ofGroupon. I love everything about them, from their business model, to their branding, marketing and everything in between. In my opinion I think they’re right up there with the big 3 in social media – Facebook, Twitter & Foursquare. Having a presence on groupon will be making its way into more and more social media marketing plans and it’s easy to see why. They’re responsible for some great case studies,such as Gap, which we covered last week. I want to go a little deeper into the actual business of Groupon and see what lessons can be learned for new businesses setting up.

Make social your business model

The business value of social media has been well and truly proven now, particularly with the rise in social commerce that we’re now witnessing. One of the smartest things you can do right now is to find a way to make social fit at the very centre of your business model. While established brands are forced to adopt social technologies to enhance their existing way of doing business, new brands have the benefit of making their business function around social completely. This is exactly what Groupon did with their group buying concept. They tied into the aspect of community so simplistically. If you want to get  a great offer yourself, increase your chances by sharing the offer (and the brand) through your own social channels. It’s absolute genius.

Make it simple, forget about the buttons

One of the most common downfalls of new businesses is to invest months and months in building a website, redesigning it, optimising it and adding more buttons. There is such a temptation to add on a load of functionality and widgets in the hope that this will increase your business. Groupon is so simple, and it proves the case that you don’t need a load of extra technology to create a product that people will buy into. On their site they just provide a few actions – receive deals by email, connect through Facebook, view latest deals and the option join their friend referral scheme. It’s an eyecatching site but it’s a tight user experience that importantly doesn’t require too much from the consumer to take part in the scheme.

Be ambitious with your marketing

This may not be the same outside of Ireland, but if my own Facebook profile is anything to go by, Groupon are investing a lot in Facebook ads. I’m constantly seeing their ad for ‘one huge coupon emailed daily’ and it always gets my attention. By being such a visible brand I’m instantly interested in their site and inevitably trust them more as a business. They’re also not afraid to work with big brands, which in turn creates significant marketing value and coverage for them, as these case studies get featured on tech and business sites around the world. What Groupon consistently do is to invest in the channels that are immediately tied to their business strategy of sharing. At the time of the Gap promotion, they purchased an ad spot on Digg to promote it, where the user is just one click away from sharing the coupon and obviously helping groupon get one step closer to the deal reaching the right amount of users to validate.

Grow fast, grow big

While some may argue that Groupon’s concept isn’t all that new, you certainly can’t argue with the fact that they’re not afraid of growing quick and expanding into new markets. From July to August the site saw an increase in traffic of 23%, making it the fourth fastest growing web company. With this growth in traffic they’re grabbing on fast to the opportunities and growing out their office space. In May this year they opened an office in Silicon Valley, purchased the  mobile development company mob.ly and hired Mark Johnson, former ad exec at Netflix. Ambitious moves for what was still a relatively new company and it shows they recognise the moves they need to grow into the market, when their concept is so easily to replicate.
They’ve also rapidly expanded the cities in which they operate, which is so central to their business success. They bought up Citydeal for their European operation and recently expanded into the Russian and Japanese markets, buying up Qpod and Darberry. This brings them up to 29 cities worldwide and they show no sign of slowing down. Such ambition is admirable and shows the speed with which you need to move in business today, particularly online, if you are to beat off competitors and actually sustain a profitable business.

Take something and make it cool again

The fundamental reason why Groupon is so successful is because they took advantage of an untapped market need. The simple fact is that we all love a great deal. Coupons will always work but they hadn’t really expanded that much beyond being cut out of a magazine, with the odd exception of a Pizza Express email voucher. Groupon have taken advantage of a simple idea such as a coupon and found a way to make it cool, by making it social. This is the challenge for so many new businesses now, when you face stiff competition in an overloaded market. You have to find a way of making your product or service relevant to the market and turn something simple completely on its head with the use of social media.
These are just a few of the lessons that can be learned from Groupon, and they’re an excellent example of how social media is giving rise to completely new business models and concepts.


在團購的模式中,Groupon怎樣利用social media進行EC而成功,這一篇講其business model的個案研究可以看看。機制關鍵點在於「簡單」與「用團購折扣促成分享的動機」。
  • 簡單:頁面設計簡單、每日一個限量促銷產品也簡單。簡單讓人容易專注跟討論,最近思考消費者自願會分享的網絡活動連結,通常貼一個URL,如果一個網絡campaign有N個不同的小活動,很少有人會將所有小活動的URL給貼出來。
  • 具誘惑力的團購折扣:「免費」跟「打折」一向吸引人眼光,達到某種人數門檻才可以享有某種折扣的方式,促成人有動機去呼朋引伴。
而這些坦白說都不是新的概念,因為Groupon加入social media元素:
  • 不但自己常買facebook廣告,也鼓勵消費者多多在自己的SNS分享優惠。
  • 而所選擇的商品從其過往的促銷清單中,可看出通常是吃喝玩樂類,在social media上,大家的話題其實吃喝玩樂的也蠻多。


怎麼做比較好,GAP的案例讓我想到:因為量大,所以直接訴求超低折扣,而且就算是超低折扣,也不單獨依賴團購網站的人氣,而是也選擇不同social media的管道進行宣傳,加大效果。


在2010年8月19日,針對開學前的促銷,Groupon賣一張50美元的GAP禮券,只要25美元就可以買到,地點包括85個美國與加拿大城市,賣一天下來,創下約1100萬美元的營收,總共44萬1千張的折價券。(資料來源:Mr. 6)

但是為了這一天的促銷,GAP運用多個social media的管道進行宣傳,不單只靠Groupon的宣傳力量。
  • 午夜時,對Groupon與GAP會員發送約1千500萬的EDM。
  • 在Twitter的Earlybird Offers帳號,發送訊息,約有18萬的followers。
  • 告知GAP本身在twitter以及facebook粉絲數,約3萬與60萬個粉絲。Groupon也如是做。
  • 同時,GAP的1,500個affiliates也宣告此訊息。
  • 甚至在Digg也買廣告版面。
source: http://www.clickz.com/clickz/news/1729509/how-gaps-groupon-went-crazy-viral
